Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Job Shadowing

On Tuesday, I had the opportunity to shadow Sherman Willis at the Fraser-Stryker Law Firm. I had a good time: I was able to tour both the State and Federal Court Houses, sit in on two cases, and see the mechanics of a law firm. I was informed about the various types of law, the positions open in addition to becoming an attorney, and a few other details. The one thing about this shadowing experience that I gleaned is that I do not want to be an attorney who deals with inter-business cases, or other corporate matters. I am still looking for that "law" that deals with applying the constitution with the pure effort of helping the general public, and those people without a voice. This coming school year, I will be a member of the Honors Law and Public Service Academy, so hopefully, I will become more aware of the type of information I will be required to know. I feel that I am leaning toward public service law, which generally tends to be less lucrative than other types of law practices, but I am realizing that I must do the thing that reminds me everyday that I am doing what is right for me. One thing Mr. Willis did say is that although he doesn't deal with Constitutional Law as I see it, he deals with Law and applies it to the constitution in an effort to help the businesses he represents. He keeps a copy of the constitution on his wall, which I found to be pretty neat. I'm definitely aware (now) that in general, lawyers seek to apply the constitution, although the ways in which they execute is done in different facets. I learned a lot, and I would like to thank the Summer Scholars Program, Mrs. Lina, and Mr. Willis for giving me the opportunity to explore my potential career in greater depth.

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