Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My Time

Alright, so this is the last blog
I took the history class, and it was hard...on many different levels. In general, I really enjoyed my class and my professor; he didn't coddle us, give us extra credit, or accept excuses (granted, these things are not necessarily bad in and of themselves, but ultimately, he would have done us a great disservice if he had).
The classroom atmosphere was...quiet. We had so many "real" college kids, and under no circumstance did they do anything to distract others from the learning process. My experience in the classroom was well-worth the time, and I am glad that I chose to take Dr. Grigg's lecture class in opposed to a class where I am required to participate verbally (at least I now know what to expect when it comes to lectures).
I'm not exactly sure what else to say. I like my professor (he was well informed), the class was focused and on topic, and I made grades that were commensurate to the work I submitted.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Job Shadowing

On Tuesday, I had the opportunity to shadow Sherman Willis at the Fraser-Stryker Law Firm. I had a good time: I was able to tour both the State and Federal Court Houses, sit in on two cases, and see the mechanics of a law firm. I was informed about the various types of law, the positions open in addition to becoming an attorney, and a few other details. The one thing about this shadowing experience that I gleaned is that I do not want to be an attorney who deals with inter-business cases, or other corporate matters. I am still looking for that "law" that deals with applying the constitution with the pure effort of helping the general public, and those people without a voice. This coming school year, I will be a member of the Honors Law and Public Service Academy, so hopefully, I will become more aware of the type of information I will be required to know. I feel that I am leaning toward public service law, which generally tends to be less lucrative than other types of law practices, but I am realizing that I must do the thing that reminds me everyday that I am doing what is right for me. One thing Mr. Willis did say is that although he doesn't deal with Constitutional Law as I see it, he deals with Law and applies it to the constitution in an effort to help the businesses he represents. He keeps a copy of the constitution on his wall, which I found to be pretty neat. I'm definitely aware (now) that in general, lawyers seek to apply the constitution, although the ways in which they execute is done in different facets. I learned a lot, and I would like to thank the Summer Scholars Program, Mrs. Lina, and Mr. Willis for giving me the opportunity to explore my potential career in greater depth.